Authors are required to upload their electronic presentation to the fileserver through their DIPAC2011 SPMS account before the Workshop starts.
All contributions to the program will have a program code whereby the first two letters correspond to the day of presentation, Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday (i.e. MO, TU, WE). The third letter gives the type of representation, with O indicating an oral presentation. The fourth letter identifies the scientific session of the day (A, B, C for oral presentations). The program code will then end with two digits representing the sequential order of presentations within a given session.
The file name of the talk should begin with the program code, followed by '_talk'. File extensions should be of the usual self-describing type. For example, MOOA01_talk.ppt (PowerPoint) or TUOA01_talk.pdf (Portable Document Format).
Authors who are unable to upload to the server should copy the file to a memory stick and bring it to the Speaker's Office or Paper Reception Office at the Workshop venue at least one day before their talk.
Note that the computers used for the beamer presentations will be PCs with Windows XP installed. PowerPoint and PDF are the supported formats for presentations. However, in exceptional circumstances authors will be permitted to use their own Linux or Macintosh computers, but should first contact the Presentation Managers Gunnar Priebe or Klaus Knaack before the Workshop begins.
For electronic presentations you will have a keyboard, mouse and a LCD screen on the speaker's desk. Additionally a simple remote control with integrated laser pointer will be provided as well.